Teaching Coping Mechanisms In Teenagers

Premier Health

Raising your children to do what’s right, treat others kindly, and live a healthy lifestyle includes teaching them the coping mechanisms to help overcome adversity.

We all know that in life, there will be moments that are simply too overwhelming, that the adversity can seem like gigantic mountain ranges that are impossible to overcome. And we know that with few exceptions, adversity is something that is temporary and can be overcome if we have the right tools.

Developing the habits and tools necessary to adapt and overcome life’s challenges is the responsibility of good parenting. And one of the most important things you can do for your teens is to set an example. So when you’re dealing with difficult times and adversity seems to be challenging, showing your teens how you handle that stress goes a long way for them to gain confidence in the strategies you teach.

Some of the best coping mechanisms you can teach your teens when overcoming adverse situations are;

  • Talking Through It
  • Do Something They Love
  • Gain Distance
  • Be Mindful
  • Ignoring Negative Inner Monologue
  • Gaining Enough Exercise

Talking through it: Sometimes, the best way to minimize the effects of adversity is simply to talk it over with someone. By talking to someone you trust, you can work through the adverse situations and discover that it’s not as overwhelming as it seems. In addition, the person you speak with may lend a different perspective to the problem, offering you solutions on how to tackle the issues the best way possible.

Keep in mind that teens are trying to figure out and decipher the world around them, and at times they may not be ready to discuss their emotional situation regarding adversity. In those cases, encourage them to work through it and that you’re willing to listen whenever they feel comfortable. Also, in times of severe stress, encourage them to discuss it with a professional or mentor, anyone they trust that can lend a different perspective to theirs.

With serious adversity such as addiction and trauma, you may need to involve professionals, sometimes removing your teen from the stimuli that trigger those addictive behaviors.

In addition, you may need them to rehab in other areas. Removing your teen from their local habitat helps them to see the importance of their treatment while removing the influences that helped create the dependency issue.

To find out-of-your-area clinics, you can conduct a search online, to yield the best results, use key phrases to match where you want your teenager to get the treatment they need. Finding the best center for treatment, type keywords and phrases specific to your needs, such as;


Do something they love: Whether your teen is ready to discuss what’s on their mind or not, encouraging them to participate in activities and hobbies they love is a great way to remove them from the stress and help create better emotional regulation. By removing layers of stress and anxiety, you’re teaching your teenager to learn to relax and calm the mind, making the discussion more readily accessible.

Gain Distance: Sometimes, taking a break is a great coping mechanism. A little self-care, a mental health day, or otherwise removing them from the sources of stress and anxiety is an excellent coping mechanism for them to learn.

Be mindful: Learning to be mindful and living in the moment is an excellent practice to learn early. Anxiety derives itself from too many heightened expectations of future events, and depression begins when we wallow in the what-ifs of regrets in the past. Being mindful teaches us to control our thoughts and emotions by focusing on the right now, the thoughts and actions we have immediate control over.

Ignoring Negative Thoughts: This category could also be placed under being mindful, but focusing on the things your teen can control and learning to have positive inner monologues takes practice but is a reaffirming life skill to handle any adversity in life.

Fighting Moods And Negative Emotions Through Exercise: Finally, teaching your teen to live a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise is a crucial life skill for physical and mental well-being.

Exercise provides you with powerful mood-altering endorphins, hormones that affect moods. Additionally, as your body is flooded with these feel-good neurochemicals, you can take your mind off those disturbing and adverse things.

Life can present plenty of challenges, and for teenagers trying to make sense of it all, it’s important to learn healthy coping mechanisms and foster a positive self-image along the way.

Teaching your teens to talk about their feelings, exercise, and learning that sometimes, outside help is okay and that there’s no shame in being overwhelmed because it’s part of learning the skills needed to handle adversity as they grow older.

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